Pocahontas Indian

Pocahontas High School Indians

Presented by The Pocahontas High School Grand Reunion Committee

Pocahontas High School 1909-1955

The first school in the Town of Pocahontas, VA was the old log cabin parish school of the Episcopal Church. The first public school was located in a building referred to as the 6:30 Hall. Pocahontas High School was established in 1908. In October of 1909, a newly constructed brick building overlooking the Town at the head of East Water Street was occupied and served the community until the fall of 1955.

In 1925, a second building was located adjacent to Pocahontas High School to house the elementary school. At the same time, a gymnasium was added to the original building. This facility had a stage to accommodate assembly gatherings as well as athletic events. Later in 1943 and with the establishment of the Federal Lunch Program, a cafeteria was added in the basement area of the gym.

One of the lasting memories was the scenic walk up Water Street and the beckoning cement steps leading up to the school. From its early beginnings, Pocahontas High School and the local community walked hand in hand. And for almost half a century, the “old school” stood as a silent sentinel high atop the hill and watching over the Town of Pocahontas.

Pocahontas High School 1955-2008

Located on Route 644 and just inside the corporate limits on the west end of town, a new and modern Pocahontas High School was opened in the Fall of 1955. Gaza Kovach, a PHS graduate, was named principal and the school served the communities of Boissevain, Abbs Valley, and Pocahontas. In 1971 another PHS Graduate, Bessie Griffith Walker, succeeded him as principal. In retrospect, Pocahontas High School has maintained a long tradition of former PHS graduates serving on the staff at both the new school and the school atop the hill.

The school changed from an 11 year to a 12 year system beginning with the 1962 school year. A 7th grade class was added in 1972.

Also in 1972 and as the result of an endowment from the Alexander Foundation, an Industrial Arts program was started. While started in a location across Town, the program moved to the High School in 1990.

In the fall of 2002, Pocahontas became a “school within a school” – a Middle School with grades 6, 7, and 8 and a High School with grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Pocahontas High School closed its doors on June 5th after the graduation of the Class of 2008. The history and accomplishments will live on in all of us that attended Pocahontas High School.

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Alfred R. Martin, PhD - Class of 1966

I lived in Pocahontas until I left to go away to college. It was a great place to be a kid. It was safe and we knew almost everybody in town. One of my fondest memories was the old movie theater before it burned down. Back then, you actually had to go to the theater to see a movie. Imagine that! They always had two features. It cost a quarter to get in and a quarter for popcorn. Once in, you could sit there as long as you wanted. Come in halfway through the first feature? No problem. Watch the second movie, then sit through the first half of the first one. On Saturdays, they had the adventure and monster movies which were my favorites. The scariest parts were when you first saw the monster – usually a claw or hand. Of course, after you saw the monster a few times, they were never quite as scary after that. But there were times I felt the beast was following me on the way home after the movie. Good times!

Lou Grimm - Staff Member

To My “Kids”,
I taught math and chemistry for 5 years beginning in 1955, then moved on to Richlands. I am happy to still be in contact with some of my former “kids”. In case someone remembers me, I’m glad to report that the cancer I had is in remission and I’m in good health for being 88. But I have little strength and tire very easily. I guess that’s to be expected “at my age”. Keep in touch with your PHS friends – it means a lot.

Halloween Carnival 1956

Geraldine Lowry Fox - Class of 1956

I have such good memories of the 4 years at Poca. One of my favorites is the day we planned our “sneak day” when we were seniors. Edna Beasley (Dalton) had an old car her grandfather had given her. Peggy Goodman (Gragg), Reba Fern Collins (Gibson), Adrian Edmondson (Farmer), Edna Beasley (Dalton), myself Geraldine Lowry (Fox) all crammed into Edna’s car with smoke coming out the windows; of course we were smoking cigarettes. We went up to Bluefield and had fun all day. We were all best friends and were like sisters.

I feel so sad when I visit the area and see all the buildings falling in and high school closed.

Barbara Mathena Shrader - Class of 1959

The Pocahontas graduating class of 1959 held its 50th reunion with a breakfast at Ryan’s in Bluefield, VA on October 10, 1999. Games were played and prizes were won by several classmates. We also learned that the smell in the halls at the school were not caused by someone who had eaten too many beans or rotten eggs in someone’s locker, but was caused by one Denny Presley letting propane gas leak in the Lab. It is really interesting what you find out at these reunions. Some of us managed to keep our secrets safe for now. It was cold and raw that Saturday, but a few of us brave souls walked around Pocahontas, talked about then and now, and attended the Pumpkin Festival on Peel Chestnut Mountain. I really enjoyed seeing all my classmates and will just say “Let’s do it again!”.

PS – It may also be noted that Gordon Gillespie’s wife gave birth when she was age 50. And a mighty handsome lad he is.

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If you have a memory or an old snapshot of Pocahontas High School and you would like to share it with your fellow Indians please share it with us